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nature’s calendar
自然的日历  detail>>
 n.  1.历,历法。 2.历书,日历,月历。 3.日程表;一览表;总目录;【法律】案件日程表;〔美国〕议会日程。  短语和例子...  detail>>
by nature
从天性上讲,本性上 生来,天生,就其本性而言 生性,本性上 生性(天性)使然 天生,就其本性而言 天生的 天生地;本性上  detail>>
by their nature
性质而言  detail>>
in nature
本质上 性质上;实际上  detail>>
in the nature of
具有……性质 具有…的性质的  detail>>
 n.  1.自然(现象),大自然;自然界;自然力;〔拟人化时作 N-, 作阴性用〕造化,造物主。 2.自然状态,原始状态;裸体;野生状态。 3.(物...  detail>>
of nature
具有条约的性质  detail>>
the nature
自然界事件名称  detail>>
permanent calendar; perpetual calendar
万年历  detail>>
nature nature nature
特点  detail>>
a calendar year
年, 历年  detail>>
a desk calendar
座台日历仪  detail>>
academic calendar
校历  detail>>
accounting calendar
会计日历  detail>>
activity calendar
活动日历  detail>>
advent calendar
降临历  detail>>
advertising calendar
广告记录表  detail>>